About Us

About Us

The Audiovisual Cluster Madrid was established on March 30, 2023 by 59 founding entities and is registered in the Registry of Associations of the Community of Madrid, first section, number 40,919, with Tax ID number G13791793.

The Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid are institutional partners.


We are dedicated to strengthening the audiovisual sector in Madrid, promoting cohesion and support among companies. We actively promote the development of projects that add value and talent. And we do so in synergy with the business, industrial and service ecosystem of Madrid, as well as with the public administration, universities, training centers and other economic agents.


Our objectives and purposes, as set forth in our bylaws, are as follows:

  • To strengthen the audiovisual sector with a presence and activity in Madrid, bringing together and supporting existing companies and promoting the creation of new projects that contribute to generating value and talent, in collaboration with the business, industrial and service fabric of Madrid, the public administration, at its different levels of competence, universities, training centers and other interested economic agents.
  • To create a comprehensive ecosystem that serves as traction for the audiovisual industry and is configured as a reference network of local, national and international companies, which facilitates the economic activity of the audiovisual industry in Madrid, business opportunities and contributes to innovation, employment generation and the development of the sector, in accordance with the strategic lines defined by the same.
  • Promote the development of major events with international projection, promotional and audiovisual market events in Madrid, in collaboration with the different agents that generate activity and business in the sector and its industry.
  • Contribute to position Madrid in the international market, as a reference platform for the national audiovisual hub in the international context.
  • Align and consolidate collaboration between companies, institutions, universities and public and private associations working in the audiovisual sector, in any areas in which such collaboration generates economic development, synergies and benefits for its participants and society as a whole.
  • To develop a permanent dialogue with public administrations to address the challenges and needs of the audiovisual sector in Madrid.

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